Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's begin again with warm-ups

Another set of warm-ups. I don't like the background music though...

I like this one better...(click on the links below)

Warm-up part 1
Warm-up part 2

Videos replaced with links

Darn! The expertvillage people disabled embedding of their videos. Just when I've organized it all here...
Anyways, I will one by one replace it with links instead.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Keep on belly dancing...

Here's me and my sis, taken before she flew back to the U.K., first week of May.
We have a 17 year gap, but get along quite well. I used to take care of her even when she was a baby (I baby sat for my mother a lot for my younger siblings)...Later, my sis and my other brothers baby sat for me when I had kids ;)
Because of the age gap, its only later in life did we fully enjoy keeping each other's company as sisters.
Lately, she introduced me to belly dancing. So I try to keep her in mind for inspiration whenever I've forgotten to do my exercises ;)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

More dance classes

Belly Dance class

Dance lesson 1
Dance lesson 2

More videos for beginners

Let's begin again with warm-ups:

More warm-up:


Hip Circles:

Internal Circles (Umi umis)

Chest circles, lifts, drops:

Hip Drops with kicks:

Down Eights


Travelling Moves:

Breakdown of Eights/Shimmies

Hip lifts/drops

Hip Bump/Shimmy


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Isolating the rib cage

More Snake Arms

Learning the basic steps

The first step to learning belly dancing is to find inspiration. Get inspired, capture a vision, is what this teacher says to beginners. I've already captured a vision, and that's me being able to belly dance with choreographed moves - not necessarily in front of an audience.

I would have taken up a belly dancing classes if it were near my place and affordable. Until I can do so, I improvise and make my own plan to teach myself from online sources. Anyways, the next practical step is to learn the basics first.
This will be the first part of my self-study of belly dancing, done at home.

40 mins. of exercises on the basic steps (daily)
5 mins. - warm up
30 mins. - practice different moves for 5 mins. each
5 mins. - cool down

This for 3 weeks and then move on to the next step. I don't know the next step yet, but I'll stick to this daily plan for now ;)

Hip Snap

Reverse Figure Eight

The Vertical Figure Eight

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Figure Eight With Hips Move

Belly Dancing - The Hip Drop

Orientale arabic belly dance music - Hossam Ramzy

Belly Dancing - The Shimmy

In this instructional video clip, learn how to perform the shimmy, classic belly dancing move.

Belly Dancing - Snake Arms Move

Learn the snake arms move in Egyptian belly dance in this video.

Belly Dancing - The Chest Circle

Belly Dancing - Step Touch

Belly Dancing - posture and the hip circle

In this video, you will learn how to maintain the correct posture for Egyptian belly dancing, and how to do the hip circle.

Belly Dancing - Music

In this video, you will learn how to find music for belly dancing exercises, performances, and entertaining:

So far, I'm not choosy about the music for belly dancing. I just dance with the music of the tutorial videos or dance numbers of performers online.

Belly Dance Now!

Belly Dancing is for all ages - as this five-year old will prove ;)

Whatever age you are, it is never too late to start belly dancing!
This video will teach you some graceful steps, esp of the upper body. Though the instruction is in a foreign language, the body movement is clearly shown.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Belly Dancing - Cool down

I'm putting more emphasis on this, to avoid injury. Before we begin to practice belly dancing, or to attempt to go all-out with the steps, we must not forget to cool down afterwards. Here's how:

In this instructional video, you will learn how to cool down after a belly dancing session. These tips and tricks will help relax your arm, leg, chest and hip muscles after a belly dance routine.

Belly Dancing - Warm up

Warm up is important for belly dancing, same as for other forms of exercise.

In the following videos you'll learn how to warm up when preparing for a belly dancing session. These tips and tricks will prepare your arms, legs, chest and hips for the variety of belly dancing moves you might employ.

Note: the previous embedded videos were disabled. So I've put in another set of videos. I don't like the background music though...

I like this one better...(click on the links below)

Warm-up part 1
Warm-up part 2

Belly Dancing - about costumes

We have always thought of belly dancing as done only by sexy women in fancy costumes. But look at the first video I've shown here. The instructor is male, he's wearing only t-shirt and pants, but he is obviously belly dancing!

One more thing, it is better to go barefoot. So what could be simpler than that? Just wear whatever you want, anything comfortable. Having said that, costumes will make you feel like a real dancer.

In this video, we'll learn tips and tricks on finding sensual belly dancing costumes for dance performances, exercises and entertainment.

As for me, a belly dancing hip scarf is just what I need to set me in right mood to sway my hips. I first realized this when my sister sent me one. She wanted me to crochet something similar (I haven't been able to work on that yet...), when I tried it on I so wanted to throw my hips in all directions, since the dangling coins make such a magical sound.
Then, after a few weeks, I found some belly dancing costumes for sale in a nearby store. I didn't care about the halter top, but I was thrilled about the hip scarves. It is a little bigger and has more coins than the one my sister bought. Btw, I also bought one for my sis and she loved it! Best of all it cost me only P235. each (US$5.58) There was only one piece in black and one in red, so I bought both. (my sister got the red one)

For now, this is what I will wear every belly dancing session ;)

You don't see the bulges here ;)
Btw, here are some ugly costumes :p

Belly Dancing - overview

Belly Dancing is an exciting, feminine and low impact way to exercise, suitable for all body types, ages and sizes.

Belly dancing is a great workout with the stomach and hip movements, so prepare to sweat.

Belly dancing is so sexy and the fluid body movement is hypnotizing. I love it. I highly recommend it plus it's a great work out! - Xaviera of Atlanta, Georgia

It's very relaxing, almost like yoga or tai-chi; it has helped to improve my posture, self-esteem and body-awareness. - YB, New York, NY

Rayne said that she has found that not only did she become more accepting of herself through belly dancing, but she also accepts others without judgment. She said she has great empathy for women who are unhappy with their bodies, or who think they are either too fat or too skinny to try belly dance...(more...)

Here's a brief explanation on the difference between Egyptian and Tribal belly dancing style:

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Belly Dancing at home via the internet

If you are interested in belly dancing, as I am, perhaps I will be able to help you with this blog. I will be gathering here all the resources I've found on the net for those of us who do not have any belly dancing classes to go to, or are not inclined to join even if there is one.
What got me interested first of all, is that I need to get some kind of regular exercise, otherwise I won't be able to fit into my size 10 jeans anymore! I tried some aerobics, but it got a bit boring. I also love the very feminine nature of the dance, and I think I have found the perfect exercise for myself.
When my sister was here, she gave me a few lessons, which she learned from classes she took in London. She said she had a good European belly dancer teacher there. Anyways, soon as I put on the belly dancing hipscarf, and the music was played, I knew I would be liking it very much and get more involved. Even if I don't get to be good at it, as long as I enjoy it and get the exercise, I'll continue. Want to join me?

Now to get some inspiration, I picked this video:

Its so much fun! Don't forget to subscribe to this blog so you can join me in my belly dancing adventure ;) Don't worry, I will guide you step-by-step. You will be seeing it here from a beginner's point of view.
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All info and materials shown here will be linked to its original source if possible.
I reserve the rights to all my own photos and articles.