Thursday, May 08, 2008

Learning the basic steps

The first step to learning belly dancing is to find inspiration. Get inspired, capture a vision, is what this teacher says to beginners. I've already captured a vision, and that's me being able to belly dance with choreographed moves - not necessarily in front of an audience.

I would have taken up a belly dancing classes if it were near my place and affordable. Until I can do so, I improvise and make my own plan to teach myself from online sources. Anyways, the next practical step is to learn the basics first.
This will be the first part of my self-study of belly dancing, done at home.

40 mins. of exercises on the basic steps (daily)
5 mins. - warm up
30 mins. - practice different moves for 5 mins. each
5 mins. - cool down

This for 3 weeks and then move on to the next step. I don't know the next step yet, but I'll stick to this daily plan for now ;)

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